8 FAQs About Life Insurance During COVID-19

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Among the many effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is an acute awareness of one’s mortality. Given the circumstances, it is natural to worry about what would happen to those closest to us if we were no longer here. As such, many clients have called to discuss life insurance—some want new policies, some want more coverage and others want to make sure their existing portfolio is in good standing. In an effort to provide clients, and their professional advisors, with the most pertinent information, here are the answers to some common questions about how the current health crisis is, and isn’t, impacting the life insurance marketplace.

1. Will my life insurance cover me or loved ones if I succumb to COVID-19?


2. Is it possible to obtain a new life insurance policy now?

Yes, and in fact we are working every day to get people covered—not just to protect individual family members but also against the loss of key individuals in their businesses.

However, we are seeing some limitations to new coverage, particularly for older individuals: most carriers have stopped issuing new policies for anyone over the age of 80; some have limited or stopped issuing policies to those who are 70 and older; and some are limiting coverage for those who are 60 and older with pre-existing conditions.

Another potential issue is foreign travel. Even in pre-pandemic times, carriers would always ask clients about plans to go abroad. It is no surprise that right now we are seeing them refuse policies to those with plane tickets abroad.

3. Can I obtain a new policy if I have tested positive for COVID-19?

Yes, but not until you are symptom free for a prescribed period of time—generally 30 days but that can vary slightly. Once you have cleared that hurdle, though, your bout with the virus will have no effect on your obtaining a new policy.

4. Will I need an in-person medical exam to get new coverage?

The coronavirus spurred innovations in underwriting that carriers had discussed but failed to act on for years. Many are now willing to forgo an in-person medical exam for most policies under $3 million (and for some as high as $5 million). Instead, carriers are relying on data analytics and doctor’s medical records. In fact, because many doctors’ offices are also impacted by the pandemic, carriers are now accepting reports from recently completed physical examinations, which they access by logging onto existing patient portals (with the patient’s approval, of course).

5. Is life insurance more expensive now?

No—and yes. Because the great majority of tragic deaths from COVID-19 are among the elderly, carriers are not worried about an increased mortality among the insurance pool. So, in that sense, pricing is not rising due to COVID-19.

That said, the coronavirus has put pressure on the economy, which the Federal Reserve has responded to by bottoming out interest rates. That has affected carriers’ investment returns, so premiums for some policies are, in fact, increasing. But, so far, only for some, which is why this is a good time to explore policies.

6. How do I know if I have enough coverage, or if what I have is in good standing?

Call your insurance broker! We will make sure everything is in order, and review the amount, the termination date (if relevant), and any change in your concerns, needs or beneficiaries. One client, who is married with three children, recently realized her brother was her beneficiary instead of her husband! If you decide you need additional coverage, we will explore new policies rather than amending your current one, because that is generally less costly.

7. If I’m experiencing financial hardship, can I take advantage of the government-mandated grace periods for payment?

This is tricky—life insurance carriers are following the guidelines, but in some cases delayed payment will mean a lag in coverage, and that may not be in your best interest. Additionally, if you pass the grace period, most carriers will offer the option to reinstate, but you may have to fill out a health questionnaire to do so, and obviously someone fighting COVID-19 would not qualify. It is all about the fine print, so please give us a call before deciding to delay payment.

8. Can I use my life insurance to access cash?

Some policies have cash value, and we certainly have clients who are opting to let their cash value pay their premiums. But you need to make sure you understand exactly how that will affect your policy going forward, since doing this can be disruptive. Some policies require that the insured pay every premium, while others are more flexible. Discuss the fine print with your insurance professional before taking this step.

We understand that this is a challenging and worrisome time for everyone. If we can help provide peace of mind by reviewing your existing life insurance policies or exploring new options, please reach out to us. It would be our privilege to assist you at this moment.

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The insurance industry is in the midst of a correction due to a significant increase in catastrophic events such as hurricanes, wildfires, floods, and more. This has resulted in some clients facing challenges, ranging from higher rate hikes to non-renewals. Whether you have been directly affected or not, we want to educate you on the current market situation. To help you better understand what is happening, why it’s happening, and how you can mitigate its impact on your insurance program, we convened a group of senior leaders to answer frequently asked questions. However, before we go into the details, let’s take a step back and talk about insurance more broadly. Essentially, the market only functions because risks are pooled, and thus transferable. To cover one person’s home (or automobile or boat, etc.), carriers need to receive premiums from all their clients in an amount sufficient to offset their total exposure. 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Instead, two main factors are driving the changes. First and foremost, extreme weather events have been increasing across many parts of the country. Examples include the rising number of wildfires in the West, which have doubled in the past few decades. While California and the Gulf Coast are particularly affected, the Northeast and Midwest have also experienced their share of challenges. At the same time, major cities nationwide are also struggling with the effects of an increasingly crumbling infrastructure. Aging pipes in urban buildings have led to more costly water damage claims. For example, one of our carriers has paid nearly double this decade in water losses, and the number one reason is plumbing failures. Furthermore, the rising costs of repairs and reconstruction have compounded the challenges. The demand for skilled labor in the rebuilding process now surpasses supply, and replacing high-end appliances and amenities comes at a steep price. It’s important to note that suitable temporary living arrangements during such times are also costly. Ok, so how will this affect my premiums? Where once we considered anything more than 10% on the high side, we now regularly see jumps of 20%-25% a year. We encourage you to contact your Account Executive regarding your specific program and how your premiums may or may not be affected. Does the new reality impact me if I don't live in an at-risk area? Its possible. Keep in mind, while you may live in an area less prone to catastrophic events, that doesn’t mean you are exempt from severe losses. Hailstorms in Wyoming, tornadoes in Texas and severe winter storms along the East, have all been areas with damaging losses over the past few years. Therefore, no area is truly immune to loss. Even if one area within a region is not at risk of catastrophic loss, there may still be a raise in rates within that state. For example, premiums may go up on a townhouse in San Francisco because of wildfires in L.A. County. The reality is, the impact of these trends is nationwide. So, it is important to speak with your insurance broker as some markets are increasing their thresholds in certain areas and others are not writing any new business. Is there any relief in sight? It depends largely on science. If major weather incidents and the ensuing catastrophic losses continue or increase, carriers will then need to continue to adjust their exposure and rates accordingly. What can I do to help myself? To keep your premiums as low as possible, and your coverage intact, make your account look as appealing as possible to underwriters. That means sustaining small losses, utilizing higher deductibles and keeping your insurance available for catastrophic, worst-case events. This will also provide premium savings. For example, data suggests that properties with one water loss will likely realize another one soon—particularly in apartment buildings. If you put in a claim for a small water loss, you may be a riskier proposition to carriers. Therefore, taking care of small claims, could work in your favor when your policy comes up for renewal. We also encourage you to comply with all the recommendations suggested by your insurance carrier and to pay your premiums on time. Brokers can no longer guarantee reinstatement if you cancel for non-pay. Also, take the time to contact your broker and review all of your coverages. When acquiring new items or properties make sure you reach out to them to ensure you have the proper protection. If you still haven’t told them that you purchased a new car for your son months ago or you started investing in a wine collection – you should place a quick call and confirm coverage has been issued accordingly. Lastly, if you live in areas with serious weather concerns and have experienced a non-renewal or a drastic rate increase, ask your broker about secondary markets. They’re not ideal, and coverage terms may not be as broad as your existing policy, but they’re better than nothing. Anything else I should know right now? If you plan to follow our advice and only put in claims for major losses, select policies with high deductibles. You can also get breaks on premiums by complying with any safety measures prescribed by your carrier. Even if you don’t think you need a leak detector or backup generator, putting one in anyway will maximize the credits. Hey, whatever it takes! Always know we are here to guide you through this correction and any other insurance concerns as well. ...

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Obtaining life insurance in the age of big data

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